All versions of the Anova Precision Oven firmware have a CLI made available via the serial debug interface.
Available commands:
build - print build and partition info
dac - set dac out (audio) value (0-255)
DCout <dc_num> <set_level>
door read
Fan <percent>
led [on|off] <ledName>
logLevel <LOG_TAG> (verbose|debug|info|warn|error|none)
master [on|off]
oven [start|stop|select|temp] [...]
t get probe temperature(s)
Triac <index> <percent>
WiFi get current wifi info connect <ssid> <passwd>
Valve <valve_num> <time-ms-open> 0->close now, -1->leave open
watts [current power consumption]
HeapAvailable - Show the available amount of heap
FirmwareUpgrade -<url> OR nightly
DataLogs - <on/off> turn data logs on off
manuStageStart - <test name | help> <args> Starts a manufacturing test
dumpErrorStates - Print the current state of all errors
spkr_off - <0|1> Toggle the SPRK_OFF
mfgOutputBlock - <0|1> Turns on (1) or off (0) the output blocker which will only allow manufacturing test ouput through.
factoryReset - Initiates a factory reset.
descaleBoilerTracker Shows how long the boiler has been running for.
setBoiler <boiler power percent> turns the boiler power to the indicated percentage
boilerDoseTime <boiler dose msec> set how long the boiler dose valve is open for a dose (msec)
tank - [<0-5>] No args will return current level, 0-5 will set the current level.
lampPref - <on|off> sets the lamp preference
random - use ATECC device to generate a 128bit random number
stickyTemps - Prints current sticky temps
userId - < set emailAddr | get | store >
spiffsCurrentFiles - Displays current files held in spiffs
files - <dump|delete|size>
gpio - <set|get> [analog] <address> <set:level>
iot - <getconfig|help>
keycode - <code> shows 4 digit code on display
uiOTA - sends dummy data to UI to test flash
uic - commands to renesas UI board
uiUpd - <start/reset/chunk> <firmware size/(nothing needed)/chunk data>
unittest - run unit testing
descaleNeededForce - Sets the boiler time to 30hrs, turns on the descale needed led.
This command seems to have no effect on controlling the volume of the DAC.
This command does not appear to affect the logging verbosity in the console.
The command seems to work at first, but upgrades eventually fail partway through.
Does not seem to have any effect on console logging.
Does not actually toggle the speaker off and on. Setting it to 0 causes the speaker to output static.
userId get
Outputs your user alias (not your email address) used in Anova's backend systems.
Does indeed reveal the state of GPIO pins, but does not reveal their purpose.
iot getconfig
Does not seem to output anything to the console.